Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Thunderstorms and Icecream

Today, it rained. A lot. And it thundered. It made me really happy, I love thunderstorms. Mittens just sat with a look of utter discontent on her face at all times, but stayed curled up and purring none the less. Belle, on the other hand, decided to run around looking distressed before curling up on the sofa next to me. It was a good day!

I also spent about three solid hours on Super Mario Galaxy Wii. I unlocked World 3 boss, beat said boss and therefore the galaxy, and now I'm one star away from unlocking the World 4 boss! Not that I can beat it of course. I'll end up throwing my Wiimote at the TV, or something else breakable. I get angry with games easily.
[As you can probably tell, I'm a Mario nerd. I like Mario a lot.]

Tomorrow, I'm going to Meadowhall. Me&Jamie, Rachel&Ben, Amy&Rob, Eden&Jordan. Its like a quadruple date, which I find amusing. Anyway, HMV are selling Toy Story 1+2 for £13, so as long as I can afford it I plan on buying them, since they're usually that much each, not that much together. Not affording is looking likely though, since as well as going shopping I'm going to the cinema with Jamie afterwards, then we're going out for a meal. This is looking to be..expensive. Hello, debit card.

Saturday I'm starting the gym. I can't believe it. And tbh, I can't wait! It looks fun, and it means that over summer I can get fit, if I go once a week! I am however going with Jamie and a group of guys, so they have to see me looking like an unfit outcast at the gym. Oh well! All in the name of getting fit. After that, I'm going back to Jamie's for an hour or so, then together we're going back to mine. He's sleeping 'till Sunday you see. 'Cause Sunday is special.

Sunday... Is my birthday! Not that I'm excited or anything. Well actually, I'm not too much. I just want to be 16. Everyone else is. Anyway. Uncle Adrian, Auntie Andrea and Hannah, along with Auntie Tina, are all coming down for the day, and I'm looking forwards to it. It should be a good day, although if it rains it wont be as good. It hasn't rained on my birthday for years. I like rain, but not in July.

Anyway, my pointless blog is over. I'm off to play suduko, I have a small obsession with it at the moment.

You're not the only one, who wants to live it up, you're not the only one... ♥

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