Thursday, 3 June 2010

Ice cream and the Russian Mafia

Today, I went to town with Reece and Tom. It was awesome, it was really warm (:

We went to Greenhead Park, where they were selling icecream! So, we got icecream (: and then some very fattening fast food for lunch, both of which we ate sitting on the grass in the sunshine. I was sad, because the huge paddling pool was closed, and I really wanted to paddle :/
Then, however, we noticed this man. He was dressed in black jeans, black shoes, a top and a heavy black jacket, despite the incredible heat. Oh and sunglasses. We decided that this meant he was in the Russian Mafia, so we stalked him for about 10 minutes. Sadly, he realised and kept giving us funny looks. It was brilliant.

After that, we went to the train station. Not for a train, but to go to the courtyard outside the station. Why? Because they have a bit, where its at the same level, where there's loads of fountains that spray out the ground that you can play in :) we were all wearing jeans, yet we all got soaked. It was awesome! :D

Finally, we went to HMV, where Reece and Tom bought CDs, but I didn't. Then I got the train home, once I was dry. Very eventful, good day.

And I had a BBQ for tea. Nom.

We're taking short cuts, to false solutions, just to come out, the hero

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