Monday, 31 May 2010

Band reviews #1 - Paramore

Its not often you find a band that you can truthfully say you love, but with Paramore I have found that band. Paramore were and still are my favourite band by a long shot. Each album has a distinct sound to it, and there is variation within the albums that create an awesome feel. They have songs that can be used to cheer you up, make you dance, or make you cry, depending on how you want to feel.

I discovered Paramore after my short, but none the less embarrassing, stint of liking "popular" music, that is R'n'B, Dance etc.. They were the first band I'd ever heard from the Alternative/Rock genre, and I have to say I was hooked. Their songs actually mean something to me, the lyrics actually have meaning (which is unusual in today's society of pointless music) and they produce the sort of music that you get stuck in your head all day.

Sure, they haven't inspired any of the "greats", but they have influenced many young people, who in the future might make fantastic rockers, all influenced by Paramore.


As this is the 3rd blog I've wrote today, you probably have some idea of just how boring today is. I named this blog after the noise a guitar makes, which is also the name of a pretty awesome music magazine. Good times.

I spent this weekend with my boyfriend. He slept over Saturday and Sunday night, leading to a rather good weekend.

I totally beat him at Mario Kart, but he won't admit it.

I had a really good time, and it was the perfect way to start my final week before the real exams start. I have 13 left, I think. 5 next week, 4 the week after that, and 1 each week for the two weeks after that. Not too bad, I guess. But I'm dreading it. This week looks good though :)

Tomorrow is my worst day out of it all, I think. I'm going to the dentist around midday, and the doctors in the evening. Not too bad though, the dentist isn't at all bad and the doctors is in my best interests, so what's the worst that can happen?!

After that, my week is good. Wednesday I'm going to a party to celebrate the end of school. I'm wearing my dress and leggings, so I'll feel good and hopefully it'll be a good day/evening :) On Thursday I'm going out with a group of friends to the park where we can play in the fountains and have a generally good time :') Saturday, I'm going shopping with my best friend, and catch up on all the goodtimes (:

I'm just gonna revise all weekend. I have a maths exam on Monday, and although I don't think it'll be at all bad I just wanna make sure I can do it all :)

After the exams are over, I have the summer holidays which are always good :) And then 6th Form! :) I'm actually really looking forwards to it, I think it'll be a good two years at the right school. I made the right choice, I think. The only problem is that loads of my friends are leaving to go elsewhere, and I'm gonna miss them loads :( But, I wish them the best of luck, and I will keep in touch! :)

In November, I'm going to see Paramore, my favourite band. (See previous blog for details). I'm really excited for it, especially as I'm going with people I haven't seen in ages. Paramore put on an awesome show, and its going to be fantastic to be there jumping along with them, screaming out every lyric of every song :) Then, in February, I'm going to see Russell Howard, also at Sheffield, with my boyfriend. That's gonna be just as awesome, I love comedy and Russell Howard is just a legend!

I think these next few months are gonna be an awesome period in my life :}

They taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies, your little spies <3

Paramore, and the recent news surrounding Hayley's breasts.

Paramore were and still are my favourite band by a long shot. Each album has a distinct sound to it, and there is variation within the albums that create an awesome feel. They have songs that can be used to cheer you up, make you dance, or make you cry, depending on how you want to feel. Versatility, I think that's called. Correct me if I'm wrong.

For a long time I've envied Hayley Williams. She appears to be carefree, she has an amazing voice, her hair makes me incredibly jealous and she is fxcking amazing on stage. Then there's Josh and Zac Farro, the brothers who actually get on, Jeremy Davis, the guy who looks awesome with the little beard, and Taylor York, who really made a fantastic impression as the newbie in the band.
I saw them live for the first time in Florida in 2009 after being in love with them for years before that, and since then I've envied everything about them even more than I already did. They have good stage presence, they involve the audience and they deliver a kick-ass show with all the energy you should ever want from an alternative rock band.

Recently, however, a half-nude picture of herself was Tweeted by Hayley. People say she was hacked, people say she did it by accident. The real question here though, is does it matter? She's a young woman with a life. Sure she's famous, but if you look past that you'll find a girl who has other things in her life, namely her family, friends etc, just like the rest of us. If someone who wasn't famous Tweeted a pic of themselves half naked, accidental or otherwise, I doubt anyone would care. Maybe some would get "excited" over it, but they wouldn't judge them or make a huge deal about it like people have with Hayley.
So, all you people out there who started saying stuff about Hayley, judging her, or just plain spreading stuff, remember. Remember that although she is famous, she is allowed to make mistakes and people shouldn't judge her for that. And, if it was hacked, then people should be even more disgusted with themselves. How would you like it if any of this stuff happened to you? Think about it, and STFU!

I think we have an emergency <3

Today, I left school.

Well, I say today. I actually mean Friday.
Friday, I left school. There, that's better.

The day started off pretty badly. I had a chemistry exam at 9:00, and it was awful despite the hours of studying I did for it. But then it all improved. We had a party in science, drew pictures in history and had a leavers assembly after lunch. And we left at 2:45pm and went to the ice cream shop for ice cream :}

So, now I have officially left school, and compulsory education. Now just two more years of 6th Form, then on to University. Yay!

Well here we go again <3