Friday, 23 April 2010


Hello! I'm Katie. I produced this blog with the sole intention of delivering my thoughts on various issues to the world. Or, you know, whoever bothers to read this :} Anyway. I'm Katie. I'm a teenager. I like things. And I haven't got the hang of this yet!

I feel, this should include some sort of bio about me, yeah? So here goes!

I'm Katie.
I'm a teenager.
I have dark brown hair. (Yes, at the moment it is dyed. But only to make it back to nearly my natural colour)
I have green and orange eyes.
I have a boyfriend, who yes, I love. (06/04/2009, in case you're curious.)
My friends are possibly the best people in the world. As are my family.

Music, to me, is amazing and should be seen as something to be worshipped.
I think that comedy is fantastic, to be able to make thousands of people laugh is an amazing thing.
Yes I like movies, but I don't watch many of them..I don't have the patience to sit through something if it doesn't instantly hook me.

I'm quite incredibly insane, and I love it (:

And make the fireflies dance, silver moon kiss me... ♥