Sunday, 19 September 2010

I was bored, okay?

Who is the last person you saw in their underwear?
Jamie :3

Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now?
Yeah :)

Are you currently sad about anything?

Are you close with your mother?

Ever kissed anyone that smoked?

Are you a jealous person?
Haha..I can be :$

What's the relationship between you and the last person you kissed?
Together? In a relationship?

Are you content with that?

Did anyone see you kiss?
Yeah, it was a goodnight kiss before I got in the car to go home, so my mum will have done :P

Why did you stop liking the last person you liked?
I still like him?

What are your plans for tonight?
Shower and bed. 6:30 get ups are killing me.

What are you wearing right now?
Hoodie, leggings, a top.
It’s a lazy day, I look like shit actually :3

If someone liked you would you want them to tell you?
No..Cause it’d make it uncomfortable since I’m in a relationship.

 How many piercings do you have?
-          Ear lobes (one in each ear)
-          Ear cartilage
-          Belly button

Who has pissed you off most recently?
Everything? Nothing specific anyway :)

The last thing you lost?
My owl pin!! I loved that, and now I don’t have one!!! D:

When is the next time you will kiss someone?

When was the last time you had your heart broken?
I don’t think I have had

 What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
Merrr. Do I have to get up?!

Are you wearing anything on your feet?

Are you taller than your mom?
Yes, by about 9 inches :’)

If someone doesn’t like you it’s probably because?
I annoy them with my insanity

The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?
Aha.. Quite a few :$

What's the 1 thing you do when you're mad?
I would say cry, but I’ve started clicking angrily :| 

What else are you doing besides this?
Listening to Guns n Roses :)

Whats wrong with you?
Well, I’m hungry actually.

 Honestly has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three months?
Yes :3

The person you like, do they know you like him/her?
I would say they do x)

Have you ever had someone sing to you?
Yeah :’)

 Would you forgive a friend for telling your biggest secret?
Biggest ever secret, no.
Little minor secret? Of course, I’d laugh about it.

Three hours ago, were you touching a person of the opposite sex?

Last person who told you things were going to be okay?
Jamie I think, he’s good at making me feel better

Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Nope D:

What's something you really want right now, be honest?
I’m starving.

Does it annoy you when people say they'll call but never do?

Name one person you would do absolutely anything for?

How are things between you and your friends?
Rather good I would say.

What would you change about your life right now?
I’d get up later for school, at about 7:30.
Oh, and I’d get over the last little bit of my shyness.

Have you ever given your all to someone who walked away?

Does it drive you nuts when girls think they need to have a boyfriend?
Yeah.. They don’t NEED one to survive, they only WANT one.. I discovered if you stop looking, you’ll find someone :)

Have you ever given up on someone and then went back to them?

What's your relationship with the person you last texted?
It was Jamie, last night, so my relationship with him is that I’m his girlfriend?

Think back to your most important relationship, was it all your fault it's over?
This one, isn’t over.

Would you take someone back if they cheated on you?
I don’t know.. I’d like to think I’d have the strength not to, but I know myself and I think I would >.<

Have you ever been in love?
I am, right now :)<3

Does the last person you held hands with mean anything to you?
Yeah :)

Do you remember your first love?
Yes, my first proper love? The guy I’m with right now.

Do you still love that person?
Obviously, a hell of a lot!

Do you ever miss him?
Yeah, when I can’t see him for a week or so.

Who do you talk to most on the phone?
I don’t know, I don’t like talking on the phone much :)

One boy you tell mostly everything to?
Everything about myself anyway, there’s not much he doesn’t know about me now.

Do you trust easily?
Not too easily, 

Who was the last person to make you cry?
Myself! I was ill.

Who was the last person you spoke on the phone for over an hour?
That’s a hard one >.< I don’t remember?

If you were upset who's the first boy you would go to?

Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize?
No, cause they didn’t need to.

 Do you care what people think about you?
I’d like to say I don’t, but deep down I know I do.

If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do?
I wouldn’t be too bothered tbh, maybe a little hurt, but not too bad.

Have you ever liked someone that treated you bad?
No aha.

 If you had to kiss the last person you kissed, would you?

If you could do it over again, start from scratch, would you?

Who's the one person you could never live without?
One person? Try a few :)

Last member of the opposite sex you argued with?
Jamie aha, but that was aaaaages ago :)

How's your heart lately?
Completely fine :)

Is there someone you don’t ever want to be out of your life?

Ever been told you were loved by someone who didn't mean it?
Don’t think so

Who did you last pinky promise with?
Jo probably, as a joke :’)

Your ex calls you, what do you do?
Answer? I don’t have an ex though :3

How do you handle a break up?
I think I’d cry and go into a slight depression xP

In your phone inbox, who do you have the most texts off?
I cleared it yesterday, but the most were off Jamie thanks to the epic texting session we had yesterday :3

If you saw the last person you kissed, kissing someone else, what would you do?
Aha..I’d kill them both. Since that’d mean he cheated on me.
I doubt he’d do that, though :)

How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Fully trust? Two.
Jamie and Reece.

 Who do you love most in your life?
Jamie, in the sense of love as in proper love :) if that makes sense..

Is there someone you can talk to about anything?
Yeah, a few people :)

Monday, 30 August 2010

All Time Low + Hugs = Nom.

Yes, this is a blog that I am using to share my joy with the world.

Because on Saturday the 28th of August, I met All Time Low. And I hugged them. They smelt nice, and they were fit, and they were lovely.

Apologies for this blog, I just felt it was needed <3

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Results Day

A* in English Literature
A* in Biology
A* in Citizenship
A in Philosophy and Ethics
A in Maths
A in Chemistry
A in French
B in History
B in Physics
Distinction in ICT 1
Distinction in ICT 2

Good results for me? I think so.


Sunday, 8 August 2010

Oh, hai there!

I only blogged a few minutes ago, but since it was only an update I figured I can blog again now. I'm bored, you see.

I realised the other day that I still have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. I have The Chamber of Secrets on my iPod already, in audiobook form, and I'm currently putting The Prisoner of Azkaban on it. I'm up to disk 7 out of 10. Which is why I'm bored, since it takes about seven minutes per disk.

Because of this, this blog is taking on a Harry Potter themed theme.

I also watched the entire Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie on Thursday. I've never watched it right 'till the end, due to the fact when I was younger I was petrified of Voldemort. Yes, I know it's sad, but it's just the way I was. I think I annoyed Jamie though, 'cause every time I saw Cedrick Diggory I shouted "You're gonna get killed by Voldemort and be changed into a sparkly douchebag of a vampire! Your life is OVER!" Which eventually lead to him telling me that if I said it one more time he wouldn't speak to me for a week. So I shut up.

Sadly, although he had the 6th movie, the disk for the 5th was missing and we couldn't watch the 5th cause it "wouldn't be in order". Which annoyed me. But Matt downloaded the 5th off the internets, and is gonna put it onto a disk so that we can watch it next time we see each other :')

I also discovered that the other day Avada Kedavra was a trending topic on Twitter. It epically made my day, and I used it in a Tweet.

One more thing. If I watch Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, I can talk along with the characters the entire way through. I know their lines that well.

Anyway, I'm really hungry, so I'm gonna go eat lunch. Or at least cook it, and then eat it. Toodle-pip!

Thursday, 5 August 2010

My summer's shaping up to be pretty good.

Well, it's a lot better than it could be :3

On Thursday, I went to Lyndhurst, in the New Forest. It was lovely! The hotel wasn't fantastic, a little dated in the rooms, but it was better than a street. It was really warm too, I got no sleep thanks to being too warm. The pool upset me too, it was outside. It looked quite nice, but I didn't fancy everyone seeing my outside in a bikini, even though it was heated, and I'd have had to walk from the room and through the hotel wearing nothing but a bikini too, which I wasn't prepared to do. Instead, I stayed in the room for a few hours and did nothing of any interest on the internets whilst Mum was in her course.
Thursday afternoon we went to Bournemouth. Again, lovely! I went swimming (by myself!) for an hour, then came back to the room, had showers etc, then once the course was done we walked to the beach. I had icecream. It was boiling down there, so I wore a dress, and felt happy. It also made me want to take surfing lessons, and Mum agreed that if I get a stronger leg I'll be allowed to have them next summer! ;D

Jamie came home yesterday. It made me very happy, especially since we were texting pretty much non-stop from 2:30pm onwards, pausing only when I went to the gym. And I got to sleep at his from Thursday to Saturday, it was lovely :) although, being told by Matt that if I go on holiday with them it'll be a lot of fun because he can rip me and Jamie to shreds scared me a little.
Another highlight to the few days was the fact that I bonded with Sacha, the family cat, properly for the first time! She got on the arm on the chair I was sitting on when we watched Derren Brown after dinner (which was lovely spaghetti bolognese, made by Matt) and refused to leave me alone unless I fussed her. It was awesome ;D I also got bit by Izzy's hamster, which I didn't mind, because it meant I got to hold him and he's adorable, all twitchy nosed with huuuge whiskers and even bigger testicles.

I also got music plans yesterday, in the form of booking tickets to go and see The Blackout with Hannah on the 11th of December 2010. Fuck yeah! I'm a little excited to tell you the truth.
It means that I have Paramore in November, The Blackout in December and Russel Howard in February. I need plans for January! Any offers? ;3


Monday, 2 August 2010

Kitty Blog :3

Today, on Daily Squee, I saw a kitteh I liked. So I Google'd more. Here is a list, of sorts, of kittens I would like to own as an adult, and yes I will be a crazy cat lady.

I think it's a tabby? Just look at the yawn :')

'Nother tabby I think :')

Ural Rex kitteh. Reminds me of a tortoiseshell cat, and of Sacha. But it's adorable :')

Snow Bengal Cat. Yes, its a domestic. Yes, I want one :3

I don't know the breed, but it's so adorable!

Again not too sure on the breed, Tabby? But lovely (:

Munchkin Scottish Fold. <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">I have no idea of the breed. BUT LOOK AT THE FUR!

Peeping broomcat (:


Right, if you want to buy me any of these, you can. It would be appreciated lots :')

Finally, the cake I plan to have. I cba to upload a picture, so here is the link: Cat Cake
Again, please get me this :')<3

Friday, 23 July 2010

Make me happy..

I was on the train on Saturday going to the gym, when I realised how happy little things make me. So, I decided to compile a list of things that make me happy and keep adding to it as I discover more things. Yes, a lot of them are about trains. This list started on a train.

This all started because a really hench guy got on the train, dressed in black leather and a black baseball hat at Penistone. He was reading some book. When the conductor came to get his ticket, he put a bookmark in said book. The bookmark was a postcard, with a kitten surrounded by flowers on it, and most of the flowers were pink and blue. Something about it really made me smile, probably because it did not look like the sort of thing he'd have, but it made my journey very enjoyable.

Make me happy:
1- Sitting backwards on a train.
2- Being alone on a train with my iPod killing my eardrums.
3- That smile that says "You're an idiot, but I love you".
4- Seeing things that shouldn't work together, but do.
5- Putting the Kerrang! channel on and getting excited whenever a song I like comes on.
6- Being home alone.
7- Dancing round the lounge and singing at the top of my lungs when alone.
8- Being told "I love you".
9- Having music playing just a little bit too loud.
12- Catface.
13- Separating my Whole Nut chocolate into sections and organising them in order as to the number of nuts in each section.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

On Sunday, I turned 16.

For anyone following both me and Hannah, I'll apologise now cause I like to steal her quizzes etc. And why shouldn't I?! They look amusing :3

NUMBER 1 - A picture of you and five facts about yourself
Jamie took this, we went to the park on my birthday with my 7 year old cousin. I acted like a child.

1- I don't act my age.
2- My favourite movie is Alice in Wonderland. The
1951 Disney version.
3- Right now, my fingernails are painted bright red. The nails on my right foot are painted this bright red colour too, but my left toenails are painted black.
4- I want a Sharpie. A red one.
5- When I'm older I'm gonna buy a zoo. But a zoo without cages, so basically an exotic wildlife park.

NUMBER 2 - A picture of you and your friends that sums you up.
Jo's 16th Party...We're all smiling, red faced from excessive laughter, and hyped up. I know there are some people missing, but it does describe us perfectly!

NUMBER 3 - A habit you wish you didn't have
I crack my wrists too much. It's not a bad habit or such, but I'm addicted to it and it's not good.

NUMBER 4 - A picture of a place you've been:
Universal Studios, Florida.
Yes I've been other places, but this is my favourite place. Actually, Islands of Adventure is my favourite, but they're technically the same thing and this is the most iconic.

NUMBER 5 - Your favourite superhero and why?Superman. He has a cape, and can fly. And he's just amazing.

NUMBER 6 - A picture of someone/something that has had a massive impact on you.
Basically, this a prom picture. In this picture are a lot of people who I class as my besties, and I class them as having a massive impact on me, cause they're just awesome.

NUMBER 8 - Songs you listen to when you're happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad.Happy: Kiss Me - New Found Glory
Sad - Naked - Avril LavigneBored - Amaranth - Nightwish
Hyped - Break Your Little Heart - All Time Low
Mad - Arma-Goddamn-Motherfucking-Geddon - Marilyn MansonThats a screwed up list.

NUMBER 9 - Another one of you and friends.
Technically, this is only me and one friend. But I love the photo and she needed recognition!

NUMBER 10 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
I can't think of anyone who has, not enough to warrant me writing them a letter.

NUMBER 11 - A picture of you and your family
Me, my Mum and my Dad at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. I could have used this for the "place you have been" photo too, but oh well.

NUMBER 12 - The first 10 songs played when your iPod is on shuffle:
1- The State - Escapexstacy2- Lips Like Morphine - Kill Hannah3- School - Nirvana
4- Too Much - All Time Low
5- Sugar in the Engine - Hawthorne Heights6- In the Nightside of Eden - H.I.M
7- No Need To Explain - Lacuna Coil
8- Conspiracy - Paramore
9- Jealous Minds Think Alike - You Me At Six10- We Won't Back Down - Escape the Fate

NUMBER 13 - Someone you would swap lives with for a day:
Hayley Williams: She's pretty, hot, an amazing singer, in an awesome band, got amazing hair, is friends with other amazing people, etc etc.
Or, Alex Gaskarth: Same reasons, and I wanna know what it's like to be a guy ;D

NUMBER 14 - Goals/dreams/plans you have:
Goals: To do well in my GCSE's, and get through medical school. Oh, and I want to see a huuuge concert of all my favourite bands. And I'll meet them all too.
Dream: To not fail life.
Plans: Cannon Hall party. And a shopping trip with my money.

NUMBER 15 - Nicknames you have and why
Ping - Becky gave it to me
Snuffles - Jamie calls me it, as in "Katiesnuffles". I find it cute.Gayface - Hannah calls me it
...Thats about it

NUMBER 16 - Someone you can see yourself marrying
Without sounding too sad, Jamie :3

NUMBER 17 - A picture of something that makes you happy:

My cat, Mittens :3 She makes me happy :}

NUMBER 18 - What makes you different from everyone else?
The fact that I admit I am immature, but that it proves I have a personality. Other than that, I'm pretty much the same as everyone else...but unique ;D

NUMBER 19 - Something you crave forHappy Hippos. I go through a huge box a week sometimes. It makes me fat.

NUMBER 20 - A letter to your parents
I'm not writing this. They know I love them and they know I know they're insane. So I guess, "keep on being the way you are". There you go.

NUMBER 21 - What would you find in your bag?
My bag is upstairs. It contains my purse (with money, bus passes, etc), plasters, tablets, dust, wrappers off various things, tissue packets, and some bracelets.

NUMBER 22 - What do you think of your friends?I love them. I think they're totally insane, and they're making my sanity die, but I love them.

NUMBER 23 - Why are you blogging every day?
I actually don't blog every day. YOU LIE, QUESTION, YOU LIE!!

NUMBER 24 - A picture of you last year and a picture of you now - have you changed?

Me in 2009, eating onion rings in a Chilli's restaurant, America.

Me on a swing on my 16th birthday. I know I've used this before, but its a recent picture of me that I like. And yes, I think I've changed!